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Nursery Two

Nursery Two Term Overview

Term One


My body


(Five senses)


Term Two



Watercolor Penguin 2

(Zoo Animals)

Drawing of Rabbit

Term Three


People in my community


(Community helpers)


The Nursery 2 children are learning about an overview of "Who Do I Share the World With?"

We are focusing on the people in my community that targets the community helpers. We started off the lesson with an introduction of the different community helpers. She provided opportunities for children to play an interesting game called "Who is the community helper?" to get them started for the lesson. After which, there was a show and tell performance for the children to role play their favourite community helper in which the peers guess based on their friends acting. Lastly, children were encouraged to the sing a community helper song .

In the next lesson, we will be creating the different community helpers using a paper bag.


Children will be able to:

  1. Identify the community helper by listening to the descriptive clues of the different community helpers.

  2. Role play the selected community helpers to their peers confidently.  

Click to view the lesson plan

Lesson Implementation

Implementation Video


Guidance is a teaching technique that fosters positive discipline. It involves in setting a clear consistent limit that enhances the independence of the child to achieve his/her social emotional development.

(MgNaughton & Williams, 2009)


Scaffolding is a teaching technique that supports the childrens learning in which an educator or a competent peer aids in the less competent child to work independently in the given tasks.  

(MgNaughton & Williams, 2009)


Teacher Shreen Sitara guided the children by enforcing the rules and expectations to her students. 


Teacher Shreen Sitara started the lesson with a warm up song and followed by a pictorial rule card that enforces the children of the behavioral expectations during the lesson. She guided the children in setting the rules and boundaries that helped them to behave appropriately. She repeats in setting the rules and boundaries throughout the lesson. 

Time Stamp:

0:03 - 1:03

2:39 - 2:44


Teacher Shreen Sitara introduced the various community helpers. She scaffolded the children's learning by asking open ended questions to the children. For instance, she asked "Have you ever seen this community helper before?" and promoted opportunities for children to share their prior experiences during the discussion. 


Time Stamp: 1:39 - 2:18

Teacher Shreen Sitara scaffolded the children learning through questioning that encourages verbal skills. 



Teacher Shreen Sitara uses hints, questions and modelling during her teaching. 

Teacher Shreen Sitara scaffolded the children through providing hints for the children to guess the correct community helper to the descriptions that was being told. One of the student identified the community helper but was unable to name it. She encouraged the remaining children to scaffold her and repeated the words to build up her vocabulary skills. Following, another child had trouble in identifying the community helper and she helped the child by integrating modelling and questioning. It helped the child to identify the community helper. 

Time Stamp: 2:50 - 5:22


Teacher Shreen Sitara guided the children by giving choices for the children to choose a community helper from the deck of community helper cards. Also, she model kindness and respect that is shown by the children. 

Time Stamp: 6:00 - 6:24


Teacher Shreen Sitara encourages the children to choose and role play the community helper by their decision making.

Screenshot (154).png

Teacher Shreen Sitara model respect and scaffolded the child 

by pairing the two students to complete the role playing.

Guidance & Scaffolding 

Teacher Shreen Sitara noticed that the one of the student made fun of her friends role playing. She guided the student in stating that it is an unacceptable behaviour by being discreet, gentle, firm and consistent

She redirected the children attention and got them to work together in role playing the community helper. 

The student was shy and she scaffolded her by pairing and leading a discussion with prompting of hints. Eventually, the child was able to independently role play after the second attempt through the scaffolding and confidence from her peers.  

Time Stamp: 8:08 - 10:49

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