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Story Time

Our Journey

Welcome to Acres of Fun Preschool

"Every child deserves a champion – an adult who will never give up on them, who understands the power of connection and insists that they become the best that they can possibly be."

- Rita Pierson

Mrs NurHani Raffe, our centre's principal, strongly believes that each child is special and that it is our role to facilitate and guide them into learning skills and important values that will carry them through their lives as they continuing searching for their passion. Graduated with honors from Singapore University of Social Sciences, Masters of Early Childhood Education as well as an Advanced Diploma in Leadership, she is committed to providing high-quality education for all children. She first opened the doors of Acres of Fun Preschool in 2009, with over 10 centres all over Singapore.




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Acres of Fun's History

Acres Of Fun preschool has been nominated as a preschool for nurturing dreams, inclusiveness, and creative young minds since we opened our doors in 2009. It was established by Mrs NurHani Raffe when she came back to Singapore from her overseas trip in Italy. She went there to learn and observe the teaching pedagogies and decided to adopt it.


Mrs Hani being a mother herself and volunteers for yearly mission trips to teach the children in poor regions. She deeply loves children and has a great passion to teach and change their lives.


Therefore, she decided to open a preschool in Singapore adopting the Reggio Emilia approach, where she worked with like-minded educators to provide a curriculum that fun as our school's name suggests, and tapping on children's interests.





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