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Parental involvement

At Acre of Fun Preschool, we believe that children excel when they are given an environment surrounded by caring and responsible adults. That is why you, parents, are invited to join us in our journey to provide your child with a strong support system through participating in multiple activities that will be implemented throughout the year.

Bonding Activity

This Take-Home Activity allows parents o be updated on what their child is learning in school. Children will also feelmore interested in the actibity as their family is involved.

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Parents can be involved in children's learning by celebrating several known occasions such as Mother's Da, Father's Day and Children's Day. Children will feel appreciated as parents show their appreciation for their hard work.


Breakfast Time

As a family, they can spend some time together and bond through daily routines such as making healthy breakfast



Parents could reinforce the routines and practices that is held in school for children to be able to learn and adapt quickly. By reinforcing what is practiced at school, parents are helping their child. 

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