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Playgroup Term Overview

Term One


(Movements of transportatio)

Term Two

Dressing Up

Types of clothing

Term Three


Farm Animals

(Types of Animals)

Currently, our school's theme is Animals. As an introduction, our children in the Playgroup class will be focusing on the topic 'Farm Animals'. We started off by singing the classic song "Old MacDonald Had A Farm". In this lesson, our children learned about the different farm animals that are commonly recognised by children and the sounds they make. As the younger children depend more on their senses to help them make sense of their understanding, thus, the children were encouraged to make a farm animal handprint artwork with the guidance of the teacher.

In the next lesson, we will be exploring on the habitats in which these farm animals live in.


Children will be able to:

  1. Identify the 1-2 types of farm animals from the song "Old MacDonald Had A Farm".

  2. Create their own farm animal handprint artwork with the guidance of the teacher.

Click to view the lesson plan


Implementation Video


The process of doing the task with the child, rather than taking over and completing the tasks for the child.

(MgNaughton & Williams, 2009)


Praise is an act of expressing commendation or admiration when a child has completed their task or achieved something. This makes the child feel recognised and more confident to take on more tasks in the future.


(MgNaughton & Williams, 2009)


Teacher Christine is praising Tara for her beautiful artwork.


As children were completing their artworks, Hani did not like the feeling of paint. Teacher Christine then intervened by holding her hand pressing it down on her paper and told Hani "It is all right and see it is so nice". The child is then motivated and carries on to complete the rest of the artwork.

Time Stamp: 06:12 - 06:18


One of the children makes a comment on her artwork and Teacher Christine elaborates on it by asking a question and then praising Hani for her effort.


As children were completing their artworks, Nazifa got stuck and was unsure of what to do next. Teacher Christine then intervened by holding Nazifa's hand and pressing it down on the paper. Since Nazifa was done, Teacher Christine asked her to put her hands to one side and not touch anything else.

Time Stamp: 05.40 - 05:50


As the children were making the handprint artwork, Teacher Christine commented on a child's drawing, "Wow, I like your artwork, it is very cute". The child responded excitedly by showing a smile on her face.

Time Stamp: 06:47 - 06:52


Teacher Christine is physically helping Hani by gently holding her hands and helping her to press it down on the paper.


While the children were engaged in making their artwork, the teacher was looking around at the children's artwork. Teacher Christine asked Hani, "Why is your animal's mouth like that?". Hani responded by saying, "Smiling and showing a smile on her face". Then Teacher Christine replied by saying, " I see it is smiling like that, very nice".

Time Stamp: 07:45 - 08:04


Teacher Christine is physically helping Nazifa by gently holding her hands and helping her to press it down on the paper.

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