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Nursery One

Nursery One Term Overview

Term One


People in my community 

(Community Helpers)


Term Two

The Human Body

Healthy Lifestyle


Term Three



(Modes of transportation)


Currently, our school's theme is transportation. As an introduction, our children in Nursery One class will be focusing on the topic 'Modes of Transportation'. We started off by creating an e-storybook, where we included transportation that children will be most familiar with. In this lesson, our children learnt about the different types of vehicles that are frequently spotted by children on their way to school. Children were then encouraged to count the number of vehicles found in the activity sheet. 

In the next lesson, we will be exploring how to make vehicles using different shapes.

Children will be able to:

  1. Count up to eight using one-to-one correspondence, with reference from the pictures in the activity sheet.

  2. Identify the colours of the vehicles shown in the e-storybook.

Click to view the lesson plan

Counting Transportation(Activity Sheet)

Implementation Video


The process of making children’s learning more possible such as scheduling, selecting materials, organizing space, and interacting verbally and non-verbally with them.


(MgNaughton & Williams, 2009)


The process of guiding children to learn how to find answers to questions, dilemmas and predicaments they may face in their daily world.

(MgNaughton & Williams, 2009)

Teacher Nazifa encouraging children to talk about the pictures seen on the cover page of the e-storybook


Ms Nazifa educated children on road safety by asking questions if it was safe to cross the road when the traffic light was red. Moreover,  she added the actual sounds of the vehicles to allow children to better relate to the vehicles. When children could not recognise the sounds, she played the audio, loud and clear again. Lastly, she recapped the vehicles introduced in the book, using non-verbal actions and by imitating sounds of vehicles. These guided children identify vehicles and their sounds better.

Time Stamp:

1) Road Safety- 03:02 - 04:16

2) Recap of E-storybook- 04:51- 05:36


Teacher Nazifa invited children to talk about the different transportation pictures seen on the cover page of the e-storybook. She restated and highlighted children's responses on how they mentioned about the colours and sounds of transportation. 

Time Stamp: 06:58 - 07:58

Ms Nazifa ensured that learning is appropriate to children's needs and interests

Teacher Nazifa asking children to identify the vehicle.


Teacher Nazifa clearly stated the purpose for what children were told to do and gave them explicit directions by getting children to volunteer and circle the correct numeral representing the picture. Children were asked questions to check their understanding on what they were supposed to do

Time Stamp: 06:58 - 09:08

Problem-Solving & Facilitating

Teacher Nazifa is seen to be observing children who seem to have difficulties and approached them by giving children concrete materials to facilitate counting using one-to-one correspondence. Children got the opportunity to be familiar in solving problems through the different methods used by Teacher Nazifa.

Time Stamp: 11:38 - 13:08

Teacher Nazifa observing and guiding children as children complete the activity.


Teacher Nazifa assisting children in cou

Teacher Nazifa encouraging a child to use her fingers to count numbers up to 6

Teacher Nazifa is seen asking “Did we skip any number in between?”, and giving time for children to think of ways to count up to six. The time given and questions asked, prompted children to use their fingers to help them count. Teacher Nazifa had provided the children with various methods to solve a problem by asking them questions.

Time Stamp: 15:31-15:53

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